Slots Empire UK

Step back into the golden age of the Roman Empire in this themed online casino. Empire Slots takes you to the heart of Rome, where you can choose from a variety of games approved by the mighty Julius Caesar himself. A lot of attention was paid to the branding, and the final product is both humorous and interesting.

Licensing and regulation

Slots Empire is a fully legal online casino available in many international markets. It is owned by Wonder Play Company NV, a limited liability company registered in Curacao. The parent company is licensed by the government of Curacao, thus ensuring that its content meets industry standards and offers players a safe gaming environment. This is enforced by the Curacao Gaming Authority and all content on Slots Empire needs to be verified that its games are not rigged and use RNG. Titles must be verified by third-party operators recognized by the Government of Curacao.

All Friends, Romans and Countrymen can play Slots Empire provided the jurisdiction they are playing from recognizes the Curacao gaming license. Unfortunately, many territories do not recognize the license (which has nothing to do with the standards themselves, more to do with a lack of agreement between the two jurisdictions). Players from Great Britain, Spain, Australia, Netherlands and Russia cannot play Slots Empire. Please refer to the Slots Empire Terms of Use for a complete list. great.